Being exclusive to transportation, experience has honed our process, methodology, technology and tactics to maximize your recovery.
We get paid when you do, not before, or after. We perform all collection services on a contingency basis. So, if we are not successful you do not owe us a dime. How is that for risk free?
We are the only collection firm that consistently files suit against shippers where the broker is out of business and has not paid the actual delivering carrier. Others claim to provide this service, but to date we have found no evidence that they follow through.
Before a case is handed to a collector, they are thoroughly investigated by fully trained, licensed corporate investigators who perform the following investigation on each account placed with our office:
After the investigation, a determination of liability is made. Liability may not only fall on the debtor, it may rest on a carrier division of a broker, a successor company, people may be personally liable, or it may fall on a 3rd party.
The case proceeds to an experienced collector who then utilizes his experience, relationships, and industry specific knowledge to leverage the debtor. Our collectors are the best in the business. We are thorough, tenacious, and professional.
After the investigation, a determination of liability is made. Liability may not only fall on the debtor, it may rest on a carrier division of a broker, a successor company, people may be personally liable, or it may fall on a 3rd party.
Next, your case is assigned to an experienced collector. Most cases get resolved here. Others find their way to our extensive legal team for the courts to decide.
Some debtors are resistant to reason and must be convinced in the courts. That's when our legal team comes in. We have an experienced legal staff who specialize in transportation law litigation. They have heard and prepared for every argument. Often a conversation from them is enough for a positive outcome. As a last resort, we litigate.
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Anytime you want to check out a broker, give our staff a call. It won't cost anything and can save you big.
"You and your team have come through again. Good Job."